
Megan Neville – ‘Rust Belt Love Song’ :: w/ Jason Harris & Mary Biddinger

Saturday, May 4 @ 1:30p

Megan Neville is a writer and educator based in Cleveland. Her poems have appeared in English Journal, Belt Magazine, Whiskey Island, Into the Void, and elsewhere. She tweets @MegNev.

“What good is love if it does not see us? What good is a love song if it doesn’t make us dance? Megan Neville’s poems are unflinching in their observations of cruelty and tenderness alike. Rust Belt Love Song is still music, and Neville is a worthy artist—stretching ordinary moments to show all of the wonder, pain, and yes, love that exists just under the surface.” – José Olivarez, author of Citizen Illegal

Editor in chief of Barnhouse Journal, Jason Harris and Cleveland based writer Mary Biddinger will also be reading.

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